FCCS Calendar
2024-2025 Calendar
14 NO SCHOOL - Staff Work Day
7 NO SCHOOL - Staff Work Day
18 Spelling Bee
22 Parent / Teacher Conferences
24 – 28 Spring Break
18 NO SCHOOL - Staff Work Day
21 Monday - Easter Break (No School)
5-9 Teacher Appreciation Week
12-16 Standardized Testing
18 8th / 12th Grade Graduation
22 Last Day of School / Closing Chapel / School Closes 1PM
W5949 Hackbarth Road
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

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Enrollment Process

We ask that you carefully follow the procedure outlined below as you prepare for the possibility of enrolling your students at Faith Community Christian School. Each step in the process must be completed before a final decision on enrollment will be made. You will be notified promptly of the final decision once the process has been completed.
The actual enrollment of students is approved after completion of the following:

The office has received the completed application form and a non-refundable $100.00 ($50.00 before March 15th) application fee. Click here for the enrollment application form.

A family interview with the school Administrator has been completed. The interview will be arranged through the school office.

A final approval has been noted and an acceptance form filed with the application.
If you have any further questions, please contact Lisa Hawkins or call 920-563-9954 during the school hours of 7:30am-3:30pm, Monday through Friday. Summer hours vary. Please leave a message or email at school@fccfa.com.