FCCS Calendar
2024-2025 Calendar
14 NO SCHOOL - Staff Work Day
7 NO SCHOOL - Staff Work Day
18 Spelling Bee
22 Parent / Teacher Conferences
24 – 28 Spring Break
18 NO SCHOOL - Staff Work Day
21 Monday - Easter Break (No School)
5-9 Teacher Appreciation Week
12-16 Standardized Testing
18 8th / 12th Grade Graduation
22 Last Day of School / Closing Chapel / School Closes 1PM
W5949 Hackbarth Road
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

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About Our School
To provide a Christ-honoring education which reflects a commitment to God’s Word and to academic excellence.
To train students spiritually, mentally, physically, and socially so that they might acquire the necessary skills to meet the challenges of life and fulfill their God-given purpose.
To pursue a curriculum which is dedicated to educational excellence and high academic standards.
To build into students qualities of character consistent with those taught in the Word of God and as exemplified by Jesus Christ.
To enable students to translate their educational experience into Christian living.
To provide a safe, stimulating, encouraging, nurturing, and rewarding Christian educational environment.

Faith Community Christian School had its beginning, in the early 1980s, during the ministry of Pastor Bill Bartz. Church leadership was challenged with the idea of providing the community with a Christian school, and rose to the challenge in April, 1982.
A Christian School Review Committee first met on April 22, 1982 to prepare a church-wide survey and draft a Statement of Intent. The committee addressed important issues including the financial impact that a Christian School would have upon other areas of ministry in the church, and the need for a qualified staff for the long-term impact of the school.
On July 11, 1982, Faith Community Church voted to pursue a Christian school and make it an extension of the ministry of the church. A board was formed and a teaching administrator was hired. The school opened in the fall of 1983 with 10 students, expanding to 14 in the second semester. A preschool was added in 1993 with an initial enrollment of 12 students.
We subscribe in full to the Articles of Faith of our parent organization, Faith Community Church.
We believe that there are three basic institutions established by God on earth; the home, the church, and the state, and it was intended by God that all three should glorify Him among men.
It is the expressed goal of Faith Community Christian School to promote the glory of God in Jesus Christ. We are grateful to do this without interference, reservation, or restraint.
We believe that the training of our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord is a central theme in Scripture in both the Old and New Testaments.
Acknowledging the challenges of a well-rounded education for our children, Faith Community Church has established a Christian school which will aid our students in integrating academic excellence with a Biblical world-view.
We endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace among all believers and to maintain a loving, open concern for the needs of all people. Our commitment is that FCCS would be pleasing to God.
The education offered at Faith Community Christian School goes beyond meeting the academic needs of our students. An equally important aspect of the program is the spiritual training each student receives through the formal and informal biblical instruction and guidance.
The academic program of the school consists of age-appropriate instruction from pre-school through high school. The curricula is selected from publishers who provide the most suitable content for the school to meet its educational objectives. The Terra Nova test is administered in the spring of each school year to assess student progress. Click here for a statement of beliefs.