It’s a jungle out there! There’s adventure around every bend at the The Great Jungle Journey: An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation, where kids are equipped to answer questions about who God is and what his Word teaches about salvation. Excitement galore awaits as you learn how to reconnect the Bible to real life through the Seven C’s of History. Children will be encouraged to seek their Creator and Savior!
Dear Parents:
We are looking forward to being with your children during Vacation Bible School! Your children are very important to us, so please make note of the following important information:
· VBS is open to children ages 3 through grade 6.
· Each child who registers will receive a free Jungle Journey t-shirt, while supplies last. To ensure t-shirt availability, please register on or before Sunday, June 30, 2024.
- Nursery care for children birth through 35 months is available only for VBS volunteers and Moments for Moms attendees. Registration for nursery care is required by Friday, July 19.
· Your child(ren) must check-in each day when they arrive at VBS. Please accompany your children into the church each morning and help them through the check-in process.
· Check-in will begin at 8:40 a.m. We are not able to supervise your children before this time.
· Weather permitting, games will be held outside. Please have your children wear shoes appropriate for running. You may also want to apply sunscreen and/or bug spray before VBS.
· A list of the snacks being served at VBS will be posted on our VBS Facebook page (FCCFAVBS) one week prior to VBS. If your child requires a special snack, please bring it each morning in a bag marked with your child’s first and last name and grade.
· If your child is potty training, please bring an extra diaper or pull-up and an extra pair of shorts/pants (in case of accidents) in a bag marked with your child’s first and last name.
· Pick-up time is at 12:15 p.m. Please come into the church to pick-up your child(ren), help them collect their belongings, and accompany them through our busy parking lot.
Our VBS Missions Project is Shoebox Club! There will be a contest between boys and girls at Vacation Bible School! Bring an item or offering money to donate and you can earn points for your team. Points will be earned for each usable item that is donated to fill a shoebox. Double points will be earned when a usable item is brought on the designated day. For example, a bar of soap will earn double points when it is brought on Tuesday. You and your family may pack a shoebox filled with items listed below. Completed shoeboxes will earn 100 points for your team. Families can drop off donations or pick-up empty shoeboxes during the week of VBS.
Monday- Toy/Stuffed Animal/Clothing Day
Tuesday- Hygiene Day (washcloths, toothbrushes, and soap)
Wednesday- School Day (pencils, crayons, etc.)
Thursday- Notebook Day (small notebooks, loose leaf paper)
Friday- School Day (pencils, crayons, etc.)
Faith Community Church, W5949 Hackbarth Rd, Fort Atkinson, WI
Contact Jackie Lyon, VBS Director
(920) 563-4730, jlyon@fccfa.com
Follow the excitement @ www.facebook.com/FCCFAVBS